Opening hours: Wednesday, Saturday, Sunday 12:00 -16:00.
Phone: +31 (77) 374 7500

Emmaus-Feniks Tegelen

Many people who come to us wish to make a genuine contribution to the core philosophy of Emmaus. We believe that by living, working and sharing together we can create a much less chaotic way of life, both for ourselves and for the wider community. Our purpose is to offer a stable and inclusive environment where those that find themselves in need can find the space, time and encouragement to regain control over their lives. Our aim is to act as a springboard to independent living for those that want it. We don’t just offer people a bed. We give them a reason to get out of it.

A reason to contribute to something greater than themselves, and ultimately, a reason to live. Emmaus is an entirely independent foundation that exists without subsidies and without overriding government supervision in which people can find a safe and fertile place to live and work, whether or not in need. The founder of Emmaus is Abbe Pierre, who offered people affected by the housing shortage in Paris around the Second World War the space to live and work together.

“We need people who are up to the challenge, strong people who tell the truth, throw it at others, and do what they can with their own hands.” Abbe Pierre 1912-2007

Emmaus Feniks, with its beautiful monastery building, unique garden and pleasant ambiance, is an ideal place to make a meaningful and healthy transition from a difficult situation to the next phase of life. However, we are not qualified to help people who are struggling with addiction or serious mental health complaints. We are also unable to offer professional help with social problems such as; debt restructuring, residence permit or applications for benefits, although our door is open to people that find themselves in desperate need. We may also be able to point people in the right direction, depending on their personal circumstances. This community is the ideal place for people with a lot of life experience. We need those people as they are the ones who can act as guides for those that need to regain essential life experience, not only socially, but also practically. Our question to you is who are you today? What can we do to help you? What will you do to help us? Living, Working and Sharing. Together. By doing this, we can go far!

Our work

We are able to maintain our independence through the sale and recycling of good quality second hand goods like vintage furniture, vintage clothing, vintage dishes, vinyl and books. We offer a free collection service for good quality larger items such as furniture and white goods and sell these in our Second hand shop in Tegelen. There is also a drop off point near our main gate where you are welcome to place your good quality smaller items such as Bric-a-Brac, clothing and books. We also produce as much of our own food as we possibly can. In this way we are able to reduce the amount of rubbish going to landfill, and provide people with meaningful work.


The foundation’s goal, as stated in the Universal Manifesto of the Emmaus Movement:

a. to act in such a way that every person and every community can live and develop in equality and freedom.
b. to enable and guarantee life and work in an Emmaus context according to the objectives and ideals.

The Law of Emmaus is: ’to serve those less happy than yourself’ and ’to serve those who suffer the most first. Emmaus, giving people and goods a second chance..


At this moment we have the following board members:

  • President: Nick Klitsie
  • Secretary: Hub van den Bosch
  • Treasurer: Paul Janmaat
  • Board-member: Alda Peters


Emmaus-Feniks gets her finances from the second hand shop Venlo. After the taxes and reserves the rest will be donated to projects inland and abroad. 

Emmaus-Feniks is financial independent. 

 Emmaus Feniks collects and keeps only data who are relevent for the purpose of Emmaus Feniks. Emmaus Feniks is very holding back and careful with the parts of these data. Our procedures and protection of person data are written in our (needs to be set up) privacy statement.